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  • Escape of the Wild Goatee

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    Escape of the Wild Goatee Dixon Stuelke ©  2024 Gallimauf  One A Wild Goatee can be troublesome.    Children stare, parents glare, police beware.    Friendly faces are rare, usually wild with hair.   A Wild Goatee gets into your food, or your food into it, whichever.    A Wild Goatee wants to jump in spinning power […]

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  • Unentitled  07

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    Unentitled, Installment Seven Thinking to rescue Poetry from its own reclusion, proselytizing the radical (I now know, since I know I’m not a poet, but did not know then, when I thought I was a poet) revelation that Poetry had abdicated its responsibility to touch as many lives deeply as possible by deliberately downplaying mass […]

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  • Unentitled 06

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    Unentitled, Installment Six Since the poetry experts like to dissect and examine the works, finding meanings in wordings nuances the poet may or may have not also realized, like puzzles kind of, I guessed poets like weaving in multiple wording-senses for people to puzzle out.    At least I did; loved making up new wordages […]

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  • Day and Night

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    Day and Night Dixon Stuelke ©  2024 Industrial Art, Exhibit Two Setting out to make a bland, generic, kitschy cactus desert scene I wound up with this.    Had a lot of fun putting it together though. The background sand and sky are spray paint. The Sun, the rays, and puddles of sunshine are of […]

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  • That’s my Way  06

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    That’s my Way Dixon Stuelke ©  2024 Six, Final Searching back through wiser eyes, I realize what they really saw.    I really should have tried putting myself in their head, not expected them to already be in mine.    Or at least, tried keeping it dignified. That quirk was far from trivial; what actually […]

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  • Unentitled 05

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    Unentitled, Installment Five Wouldn’t it be nice, imagine, if Leadership were guided by respect and trust, rather than ignorance and contempt, of Intelligentsia’s insight and perception? “Moré” © 8 lines Why is the Limerick so effective?    To illustrate rhythm’s power, strip away the thoughts, words, ideas, push it all to pure sound, and Hearers […]

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  • Diégo el Ciégo 00

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    Diégo el Ciégo Dixon Stuelke ©  2024 Zero Here is the coversheet of the manuscript: , which is barely readable on desktop screen.    On mobile, way too small.    Cropping out just the strip: , doesn’t help much. The only way to make it good on mobile is to crop each panel out into […]

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  • That’s my Way 05

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    That’s my Way Dixon Stuelke ©  2024 Five I sent him an enthusiastic handprinted letter the day after the show, pointing out a misspelling of “school” on his brochure — very bad public first impression for any aspiring Education Governor — made a few layout and wordage suggestions since it needed changing anyway, offered some […]

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  • Unentitled 04

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    Unentitled, Installment Four The limerick is a familiar and useful frame, for a silly facet on perhaps a graver issue, “Student Dormants” © 5 lines just an amusing observation on student behavior.    Or . . . some Reader or Watcher may realize something is afoul, and try to find ways to get them healthier studying environments, better […]

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  • That’s my Way 04

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    That’s my Way Dixon Stuelke ©  2024 Four Seeing eye-to-eye with this caring tall man lawyer hopeful candidate, I decided to give him a little boost, and recommended some readings to help him understand younger voters’ life experiences and viewpoints, and ways a modern candidate might better appeal to us. Then I offered him an […]

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