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Unentitled, Installment


Went to other poet things whenever I could, but never quite mixed in; other poets enjoyed a much genteeler lifestyle than mine — rough, often ungroomed; different wavelengths, different tastes, same planet, different worlds.   And through a great comedy of misunderstandings it got stuck in my head that most other poets wished, like me, that Poetry were more popular and so more people could enjoy it more, and hear more thought-provoking things the great minds had to say, which, as an art form, it pretty much exists for anyway, I thought, when I thought I was a poet.

Took all the bobblynoddles I got, voicing this opinion, when I thought I was a poet, as agreement, but now that I know I’m not a poet, I also know that bobblynoddles mean polite disagreement, and are not intended in any way to reinforce any feeling that most Hearers didn’t really like unstructured that much, and wanted Poetry more popular and would really appreciate more rhyme and reason.   Rhythm, I mean.   Rhyme and Rhythm.   Whoever appreciated rhyme and reason?   Not noddlybobbers, no.

The trouble with Intelligentsia, really, is it’s hard to tell the true genius from the crackpot.

The answer, I thought, when I thought I was a poet, to having more people enjoy more poetry more, was to make Poetry more enjoyable to more people more, which, I thought, when I thought I was a poet, Poetry would be eager to oblige.

The way to having more people enjoy more poetry more, I thought, since Free has a narrow and Song a broad appeal, was to populate Poetry with more Structured works, and kind of try and keep free-versifying off in its own special niches where it already seems happy anyway, or for when the poet specifically wants to stir emotion indirectly through the intellect like Prose.   (Hey!   Maybe that’s why the intelligentsia like the unstructured better, because it puts thought before feelings, just like they do, mostly.   Not me, though.)

Bobblynoddling is nodding like a bobblehead.

Then, as more and more of Poetry gains more and more of Structure it will more and more appeal to more and more people and more and more people can enjoy more and more poetry more and more and Poetry can touch more lives more deeply more and more!   I thought other poets would enthusiastically agree (and again the noddlybobbles confirmed it), jump on the bandwagon and start cranking out structured poetry right and left, immediately.

I’m not making this up, and it’s not funny.

The heart would belong to the song,
with Music to move it along.
With hearts drawn along by the song,
the song from the heart stays the long

“Heartsong” ©

© initials for "Heartsong"

4½ lines

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