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  • Expressionisms

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    I wished I had Dad’s picture; I’d sought it everywhere.    So I made this practice piece, exhibit number one of my new invention, Industrial Art, as a tribute to my father and to the fondness he gave me for hazing at artpieces.

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  • That’s my Way 03

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    I won’t say his name; I feel I should protect his identity.   He never asked me to, though.   For some reason, I like to keep quiet when someone might be embarrassed or something, like I’m holding a secret — even when they don’t ask, I don’t tell.   It’s just my way.

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  • Unentitled 03

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    Unentitled, Installment Three Went to other poet things whenever I could, but never quite mixed in; other poets enjoyed a much genteeler lifestyle than mine — rough, often ungroomed; different wavelengths, different tastes, same planet, different worlds.   And through a great comedy of misunderstandings it got stuck in my head that most other poets wished, […]

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  • That’s my Way 02

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    But all that piece really says is:   to enrich their whole profession, our lawyers deliberately overpopulate our Government, theretofore to forge and force upon us way too many all kinds o’ laws, with highly-extracomplexified legalese jargons and hyper-convolutionary legalistic procedures, systematically anti-pro-se-ing our legalary systems, systemically quashing all hope of effectual self-fending, compelling us without recourse to count on completely their crapshoot legalistocratic interventions.   . . .  

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  • Unentitled 02

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    Introduction to “The Mess.”

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  • That’s my Way 01

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    This story’s called, “That’s my Way”.   There’s a whole great big other reason why it’s called “That’s my Way” like that, with the “my” not capitalized.  . . .   But, that’s another story.   This story’s about a sweeping reform I once initiated in the whole state education system, top down.   But the next time I went stirring things up over there . . . 

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  • Unentitled 01

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    Long ago, upon a time, I thought I was a poet, and thought certain things, in the Realm of True Poetry, to be true: Poetry is an art form, so therefore bears responsibility to touch as many lives deeply as possible, and the . . .

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